PROF. Marijn Janssen
Professor in ICT & Governance
Technische Universiteit, Delft
Delft University of Technology
The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands"
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Prof. Dr. Marijn Janssen is a Full Professor in "ICT and Governance" and head of the ESS (Engineering Systems and Services) department of the Technology, Policy and Management Faculty of the Delft University of Technology.
He has received more than 15 best paper awards and In surveys published in 2009, 2014, and 2016, he is ranked as one of the leading researchers in e-government. His research is primarily in the fields of Open Government, Open Linked Data (LOD), XBRL, Cloud and Distributed- computing (blockchain), AI, and Software-as-a-Service which fundamentally change the organisational landscape and influence governance.
Professor in Integrated Marketing Communications
Mudra Institute of Communication, Ahemdabad, India"
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Prof. Varsha Jain, PhD, is a Professor in Integrated Marketing Communications and the Co-chairperson, FPM (Doctoral Level Program) at the MICA (India). She is an associate editor at the journal of consumer behaviour, an editorial board member at the international journal of information management. She has authored over 100+ publications,
including multiple papers in A* and A journals. Prof. Jain is the recipient of more than 22 national and international awards and gold medals in scholarship.
Head, Dept. of Logistics Management
Faculty of Business
Yasar University,
Bornova Izmir, Turkey
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Prof. Dr. Yigit Kazancoglu is the Professor & Head of Logistics Management at Yasar University. He has published over 100 Articles in the Web of Science and SCOPUS indexed journals. His research areas are :
Operations Management, Supply Chain Management. The subjects he is working on are; sustainability, circular economy, green supply chain management, and digitalization. He is also an associate editor of the International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJMEMS) (Scopus, ESCI).
Associate Professor in Management
University of Mauritius & University of Waterloo Mauritius
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Dr. Robin Nunkoo is an Associate Professor at the University of Mauritius; an Adjunct Professor at Griffith University, Australia; a Visiting Researcher at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; and a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
He holds a PhD in Political Economy from the University of Waterloo, Canada. He has published in leading journals such as Journal of Business Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, and Annals of Tourism Research. Robin has recently been recognized by Clarivate as a “Highly Cited Researcher” and figures among the world leading researchers in social science. Robin is the Managing Editor of the Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management and the Associate Editor for Tourism Review.
"5. Prof. Thanos Papadopoulos
Prof, Computer engineering and informatics Department
University of Patras, Greece, UK."
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Mr. Thanos is a Professor of Management (Information Systems and Operations Management). He is also the Department Lead for Research and Innovation at the Department of ‘Analytics, Operations, and Systems’ of Kent Business School, University of Kent, UK.
His research is focusing on the problems that are at the nexus of operations management and information systems and more recently on Big Data within Supply Chains and Operations. He has published over 150 articles in peer reviewed journals and conferences. He is Associate Editor for British Journal of Management and International Journal of Operations and Production Management.
Session Moderator
Dr. Gagan Deep Sharma he is a Professor at University School of Management Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India and Associate Director, Office of International Affairs. He has Professional memberships at Academy of Management in Britain, Australia and New Zealand, Indian Accounting Association, etc. His editorial and review work includes being a Subject Editor (Development Economics) for Social Sciences and Humanities Open (Elsevier), Associate Editor for Journal of Public Affairs (Wiley), Associate Editor for Corporate Governance (Emerald) and guest editor of many other.
Some of his recent work includes papers on “Environmental cost of non-renewable energy and economic progress: Do ICT and financial development mitigate some burden?”, Resolving energy poverty for social change: Research directions and agenda”, etc.